
El ha-Or (Towards the Light)Efrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:04:07


My Shorthand Modes of PerceptionEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:06:11


White Dress DanceEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:05:01


A Twin MoonEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:04:24

Efrat Alony flying

Hollywood Isn't Calling

Photo: Carola Schmidt

El ha-Or (Towards the Light)Efrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:04:07


My Shorthand Modes of PerceptionEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:06:11


White Dress DanceEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:05:01


A Twin MoonEfrat AlonyHollywood isn't Calling00:04:24


Album Cover: Hollywood isn't Calling

winner of "Best vocal album" and nominee of "best composition"

German Jazz Prize for "best vocal album of the year"!

I am over the moon 

for having received this prize for the "Hollywood Isn't Calling" album.

what an honour! 

Thank you to Deutscher Jazz Preis, to the Initiative Musik , to Neuklang Bauer Records and most of all to Frank WingoldHenning Sieverts & Heinrich Koebberling for the wonderful music and friendship. 


NDR Kultur, Mauretta Heinzelmann:

Album der Woche- 22.9 bis 26.9.21:  

 "Sprunghafte Vitalität und klangvolle Gewandtheit… Dieses Album ist aus mehreren Gründen wegweisend..Alles ist da drin: anspruchsvolle Leichtigkeit á la Kurt Weill, politisches Bekenntnis, Witz und emotionale Poesie… Eine Geschichtenerzählerin nach allen Regeln der Kunst“  

 Jazzthetik -Olaf Maikopf:

Sie geht kompromisslos ihren Weg, die preisgekrönte Israelin Efrat Alony, und gehört damit zu den außergewöhnlichsten Stimmen des Jazz. Auf „Hollywood Isn‘t Calling“ hat die Sängerin, Poetin und Komponistin eine neue Stufe erreicht, klingt hier manchmal wie eine Troubadourin, die aus den Jahrhunderten schöpft und selbstbewusst alle Mittel der Gegenwart ausschöpft. Diese Songs sind vielschichtigen imaginäre Filme über die Gegenwart, die im Kopf und Herz nachwirken und Hirn und Körper durch Modern Jazz in Bewegung bringen“

Jazz Podium,  Rainer Bratfisch

„...Längst gehört sie zu den wichtigsten Stimmen des europäischen Jazz. Efrat Alony gelingt es auch mit diesem Album, politische und sonstige komplizierte Themen so zu verpacken, dass sie wie an Luftballons befestigt zu schweben scheinen.

Crescendo : „Ausdrucksstark!“ 

Jazzthing, Rolf Thomas

 "das Album ( Hollywood isn’t calling) ist eine poetische Wundertüte"

Mannheimer Morgenpost- „Schlagfertige Diva voller Selbstironie“

Die Rheinpflaz-  GEREON HOFFMANN

 - „...Stellenweise wirkt das, als hätte Frank Zappa versucht, eine Wagner-Oper neu zu schreiben.“

"Hollywood isn't calling" is OUT!

I am delighted to announce that the new "Hollywood isn't Calling" Album release ("Neuklang" of "Bauer Studios")

As Vinyl!! (more space for the artwork...)

and as a little print book including a digital download

the album is also available digitally on:


This production is supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH.

I hope you will enjoy the music,

Efrat Alony

Album Cover: Hollywood isn't Calling

The new album: Hollywood isn't Calling

This production is supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH.

I hope you will enjoy the music,

Efrat Alony

Hollywood isn't Calling

"Throughout the years, music was always a place to escape to, 
roaming in comforting fantasy worlds,
that complied with a logic I could actually follow-
then the world often seemed quite rambled,
with an ever shifting sets of rights and wrongs.

Yet now, I find myself in need of a “Reality Check”-
choosing to direct my gaze outward as well as inward
I stare at Reality, at face value,
while insisting on finding a way to sway through it all-
with a smile."


new wind, new horizons

Trying to put the award winning israeli singer and composer Efrat Alony’s music in a box is a task destined to fail. Her ability to compose and sing in-between the musical genres, in her exceptional unique style, is what truely makes her stand out and shine. 

With yet another twist in the tale, Alony's new project „Hollywood isn't calling“ is no longer escaping reality into comforting fantasy worlds but is willing to stare at it,

at face value, 

while insisting on finding a way to sway through it all-

with a smile.

“Hollywood isnt' calling”  is setting the scene with two main characters, sitting at a table across each-other-

the one- „Humor“ 

and the other- „Depth“

These two strangers, a rare pair, are both moving uncomfortably on their seat, sizing each-other up, searching for clues.

„Depth“ is inwardly roving , far and wide, while „Humour“ vigorously sweeps in, with disarming tales, of “pirouetting elephants, dancing in white wine” or “swaying blue giraffes, whispering quirky tales that make you laugh”

Unafraid, they realize that their own reflection is not much different from the strangers opposite them.

This unusual exchange brings about a fresh lightness, that allows Alony's captivating poetry to soar, creating a magical vessel , through which the wonders of Alony's fabulous instrument unfold. A strong, soulful voice, its vast depth, almost haunts you. 

A marvelous shape-shifting being, that slips in and out of different characters and emotions. 

Through her wide range of emotions, with raiser sharp lyrics with a strong social commentary on one hand

or with heartbreaking vulnerability on the other

she allures us to unexpected, unknown avenues,

and we - the listeners- follow blindly-  

we’re allowed a peak into the mystery,

its most powerful

and most frail moments. 

Accompanied by a strong Trio, from the crème de la crème of the contemporary german jazz scene: Frank Wingold (guitar) , Henning Sieverts (bass) and Heinrich Koebberling (drums) the Story-telling skills and inquiring musical mind of each of the musicians unfurl-

Together they undertake a fantastical Journey,

through unexpected hidden doorways, portraying a cutting edge version

of their  “HERE & NOW”

I'm not sure that there is a category for what Alony does. I'm not sure that there should be. Call it music.

Artsjournal, Doug Ramsey

Geheimnisvolle Schattierungen, detailscharfe Kontraste und traumverlorene, eindringliche Stimmungen erwarten den Hörer von Efrat Alony in ihrem Klangkosmos der "ausgefeilten Töne"

Norbert Krampf in der FAZ.


a few visual-bites

before the album release




Efrat Alony

Efrat Alony

Photo: Carola Schmidt

Efrat Alony Vocals

"Untamable. The Israeli singer Efrat Alony bewilders with her voice, beauty and intellect. (…) Her timbre seduces us - to listen unstintingly."

Tom R. Schulz , "Die Zeit"

"….The music hits you with full force. Efrat Alony, with her dazzling versatile singing, enriches scat singing with sighs and lamentations and shows that Hebrew can both comfort and glow, like a candle…" Josef Engels, "Berliner Morgenpost"

"Her voice is a lusty cross between Joni Mitchell's folk wisdom and Amy Winehouse's rolling purr. Alony's voice is highly trained, but what's most fascinating is her original music and lyrics. The style isn't quite jazz but something new and cutting edge... While I confess you may need to recalibrate your sensibility a bit to fully appreciate what Alony is doing, the journey is well worth it." Marc Meyers,

"…Efrat Alony completely is at home in her music.  She commands her extraordinarily cultured alto voice with confidence… she sends shivers down your spine. …Alony treads exciting new paths. Her daring experiments are both refreshing and intense. The compositions – at times peaceful, at times stormy – are even more vivacious in a live performance than on her wonderful debut album merry-go-round"…

Birgit Nüchterlein,  Nürnberger Nachrichten

Born in Haifa, Israel, as a daughter of Jewish Iraqi new comers, singer Efrat Alony studied composition, arranging, jazz singing and classical singing in Israel, Germany and the U.S.

Parallel to a successful and rich career as a band leader Efrat was a featured as a soloist with many Big-Bands such as the Sunday Night Orchestra, the Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), the Radio Big Band Frankfurt, the UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra, the Zurich Jazz Orchestra, the Swiss Jazz Orchetsra as well as the Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra.

Efrat has worked as a performer,  musical director and vocal coach for various theatre productions, such with the renowned American director Robert Wilson.

In 2006 she was awarded the Jazz Performance Prize of the Karl Hofer Society and the Jazz Institute Berlin. in 2008 and in 2010 she received the City of Berlin Jazz Award. In 2009 Alony recieved the „Nürnberg Nachrichten International Jazz award“ and in 2010 she was nominated for the BMW world Jazz award. In 2014 Efrat received the "german music author's prize"of the GEMA for Jazz composition.

In 2019 Efrat received the "Best foreign artist award" of the "Artemis Film Festival" in L.A for her composition "Hear Me"

Frank Wingold

Frank Wingold

Photo: Bernd Arnold

Frank Wingold guitar

Frank Wingold is an active bandleader and sideman based in Cologne/Germany, he combines classical and jazz/rock-orientated techniques on acoustic and electric guitars to realise his own language of sound, improvisation and composition.

His main projects are his Entangled Music Trio and his solo work on 7-string guitars.

Winner of the Dutch Jazz Competition at the North Sea Jazz Festival Den Haag and the Europe Jazz Contest in Brussels/Belgium in, there he also won the prize for the best soloist.

"His stylistic approach is also independent and innovative, it opens up new harmonic spheres for jazz, especially in his improvisations: A phenomenal string rally!"
Hifi & Records

Henning Sieverts

Henning Sieverts

Photo: Ssirus W. Pakzad

Henning Sieverts Bass

Born 1966 in berlin, bassist, cellist and composer Henning Sieverts has recorded over 100 CDs, was awarded estemed preises such as the „Jazz-Preis der International Society of Bassists" (1991), der "Bayerische Staatspreis" (2004), der "Neue Deutsche Jazzpreis 2009 " or "ECHO Jazz 2010" mit seine CD „Blackbird“. 

“A brilliant bassist and cellist who is at home with the demands of new music as well as jazz.”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

 „Filling rigorous concepts with life and fun: that is the art of Henning Sieverts, turning good music into great music.“


 “A virtuoso with inventive genius and unconcealed passion!”


Heinrich Köbberling

Heinrich Köbberling

Photo: Volker Beushausen

Heinrich Köbberling Drums

Born 1967 in Bad Arolsen/Hessen, Koebberling studied Musik at the HMT, Hamburg, Germany and at "The New School" in New York. Köbberling is a long-standing recording artist of the acclaimed ECM Label, featured among otheres by the "Julia Huelsmann Trio"

In addition to his recordings as a Band-leader ("Pisces" 1997; "8 Doogymoto" 2003 and "Sonnenschirm" 2009) He has recorded more the 80 CD’s as a sideman.

He recorded and played among others with musicians such as: Ernie Watts, Theo Bleckman, Aki Takase, Richie Beirach, Jan Delay, Benny Bailey, Herb Geller, Ben Monder, Marc Johnson, Rudi Mahall and Alex v. Schlippenbach.

Heinrich is a Professor for jazz drums at the Jazz-Institute Berlin.

Efrat Alony shouting into a telephone with a megaphone
Photo: Carola Schmidt



29.01.2025 NDR Extra TV , DE, NDR Extra TV

Handel- Fast Forward  

Efrat Alony- voc

Philipp Nykrin- piano


12.12.2024 Abraxas Theater, Augsburg, Germany, Dottime Records' Abraxas Sessions

Handel- Fast Forward  

Efrat Alony- voc

Philipp Nykrin- piano

30.11.2024 Hamakom Theater, Vienna, AT, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

12.11.2024 Kulturhaus Straden, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

11.11.2024 Dom im Berg, Graz, Austria, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

10.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT- at 2 p.m, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black (A/ISR/USA)

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

10.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT -at 2 p.m!!, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

09.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

08.11.2024 Grenzlandheim Bleiburg/Bliberk, AT, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles'(A/ISR/USA)

19.10.2024 B-FLAT, Berlin, Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

18.10.2024 B-FLAT, Berlin, Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

12.10.2024 Kühlhaus, Berlin, Opus Klassik Award + concert

Opus Klassik- das Konzert

Alony's Handel-Fast Forward 

Efrat Alony- voc

Niko Meinhold- piano

Anne-Mette Iversen - bass

Heinrich Köbberling  - drums


Alony's Handel-Fast Forward 

Efrat Alony- voc

Niko Meinhold- piano

Anne-Mette Iversen - bass

Heinrich Köbberling  - drums

16.09.2024 Elbphilharmonie, Grosser Saal, HAMBURG, GEGEN DAS SCHWEIGEN. GEGEN ANTISEMITISMUS.

Benefit concert mit Igor Levit, Michel Friedman, Efrat Alony, Alan Gilbert, Malakoff Kowalski, Tim Mälzer, Düzen Tekkal, Olli Schulz und weiteren

19.07.2024 Kultursommer Vienna, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

18.07.2024 Theater am Spittelberg, AT, Out of the Box

Out of the Box

Efrat Alony- voc, electronics

Mahan Mirarab- git.

05.07.2024 Jazz am Bauernhof in Kremsmünster, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

10.06.2024 Celeste, Vienna, Celeste, Vienna

Efrat Alony- voc, electronics

Verena Zeiner- piano

Sofia Labropoulou - Kanun

07.06.2024 Phönix, Linz, Austria, Phönix, Linz

Milan Conic & Band featuring 

Efrat Alony


to spin off Music Idees & share your thoughts:

Efrat Alony:

For booking requests please contact: 


Tobias Schuster

Tel+49 (0)30 250 194 27

visit my website, listen to other current projects: 



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